Leather skirt and floral blouse

I still remember this outfit and the attitude of it. The sense of confidence it brought me. At the time, I had been seeing a guy that was so hot and cold I didn’t know how to feel. I was new to dating at this time, my last relationship being 7 years. Dating and myself had changed a lot since then. I was frustrated and confused and started to feel insecure, but then I caught myself doing that and thought screw it! I’m amazing if he can’t see that or doesn’t want to see it his problem. So, I got dressed up in something I felt amazing in and went out! Leather always seems to be my go to when I think screw it lol. Anyone else? Or is that just me? It gives out that kind of vibe! And I always feel kind of sassy in it.
I threw on heels, of course! Something about heels that just feels like confidence and power. I loved this floral off the shoulder top with the leather, the combination of it. Add in some big hair and makeup and some fun gold star tattoos. I was feeling like myself again.
I love love love that fashion can do that for you.

Make you feel so confident in yourself.

The mood reminds me of one of my favourite quotes I’ve seen on Pinterest…
“She remembered who she was, and the game changed”
Thankful I still have the pictures to remember the feeling and the outfit, the guy didn’t last much longer though.

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