
Derek B

Retail Banking Compensation Analyst Retail Banking Compensation Analyst

Wedding Styling
I was three months away from being married when it dawned on me that in the midst of all the other planning, I hadn’t even considered what I was going to wear. Not to mention that I had two groomsmen who were also waiting for me to tell them what to wear. The only thing that prevented me from full-blown panic, was knowing how professional and capable Lianne was, having worked with her before. From the first phone call, Lianne re-assured me that it could all get done, but that we needed to hustle. Lianne took a ‘project-manager’ style approach, determining what needed to happen, in what order and by what date. The ease with which we went through the process is a testament to her amazing energy and easy-going personality. For my big day, I didn’t want to spare any expenses, so I opted to go for a fully-custom suit. Lianne told me about a person she thought would be great, and we scheduled a meeting. Lianne complemented the services of the bespoke tailor perfectly – relying on their expertise on developing the perfect fit, while confidently insisting on design choices she knew were essential to the final look. Once the suit was taken care of, she skillfully crafted the rest of the outfit from shoes to pocket square and every accessory in between. Now, it was time for my groomsmen – a different challenge all together. Lianne knew I wanted to stand out, and she also knew that my two groomsmen had completely different builds and would never fit into the same off-the-rack suit. She decided to put us each in a different shade of blue, allowing the accessories to ensure we looked cohesive. The next challenge was getting time with the groomsmen, who are both impossibly busy professionals. Lianne found spots in each of their calendars at times that were convenient for them. Having chatted with them each afterwards, their reviews were positively glowing. One of my groomsmen actually ended up buying three suits, instead of one, as he was so grateful to have an expert with him while he shopped and wanted to take full advantage. In the end, the tireless efforts Lianne put in were all worth it, as the groomsmen and I all looked great and my wife and I will have fantastic pictures to look back on for years to come.


How to be an expert shopper

My friends and family are always amazed at my shopping finds, whether it be a completely original prize or a beautiful quality piece I’ve paid next to nothing for.  I love finding great items to add to my wardrobe, it gives me the most wonderful feeling.

But! I prepare for shopping!  Here are my tips for a great shopping trip, similar to advice I would give my image consulting clients and/or what I would prepare for them;

Look for inspirations before you go…

What do you want? What do you need?

Think about what you would need to fill some holes in your wardrobe or make it easier for you to get dressed in the morning.

Bring a list of what inspires you, or pictures of looks you love.

Think about where you want your personal style to go.  If you want to change your style you need to think ahead.  Do some research on the pieces that you think would be a good addition to guide your style in the direction you want it to go.

Bring the inspirations with you if you are not a visual person.

I can picture every outfit and what every piece will look like with makeup and hair ideas as soon as I see an item, but I don’t expect that everyone’s mind works like that.

So, if your mind does not, bring visual aid, anything that you love the look of, or something that makes you smile when you see it.  Then you can hopefully find something with similar cut, colours or fabric, or even a similar feeling that is part of your inspiration.

Some other tips and tricks that can make a significant difference in how successful your shopping trip can be…

Never go tired or hungry.

Shopping takes energy, you can’t be thinking about eating or how tired you are the whole time.  Make sure you grab a coffee or a snack

Set your self up for success!

Wear proper undergarments, I cannot stress this enough! If you are trying on dresses bring your spanks and have on a supportive bra.  It is hard enough to try on multiple items in the change room without trying to figure out if the item would work if only you had your spanks!  This cuts out the “what if” and makes choices much easier.  If it doesn’t work with spanks, onto the next =) !

Bring shoes to try on with it!

If your going to be wearing heels with the dress, bring them.  It will make a difference in how you see the dress.  Fellas same goes for you.  Bring the dress shoes you plan on wearing with the suit or ensemble

Do your hair and makeup

This is a bit of a personal one, but it makes a world of difference in how you see yourself in each piece.  You can allow yourself to be easily discouraged that something does not look right because you feel blah.  I find it helps if you feel your best while trying on clothes.

Shopping alone is sometimes better

Catching up with friends and family is fantastic, but sometimes distracting, you may not be able to get shopping done when you have company.  You may not be able to focus on either task properly. Also, sometimes its better to decide how you feel about a certain piece first, with no one else’s reaction giving you the first opinion.

I am so certain if I love something and feel amazing in it, no body can tell me any different, but its best to form you own opinion first if you are easily swayed

My family doesn’t understand half my fashion statements, but they love me anyways and I feel great in my outfit!

So, if you love it, buy it!

And wear it all you want, with pieces you feel equally great in.

I hope you find these tips helpful and that you find fun pieces that make you feel as beautiful as you are.

Happy Shopping!

Love Lianne

October 2024

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